Solutions in a Dynamic Environment

Robey Analytics LLC

Robey Analytics, LLC is a consulting firm specializing in economic development, workforce development, and site selection services. Our primary services include Community Assessments, Economic Impact Analysis, Strategic Development, and Regional Economic Evolution Trends and Analysis.

About Jim Robey, Principal of Robey Analytics, LLC

Jim Robey is Principal of Robey Analytics, LLC, a firm specializing in economic development, workforce development, and site selection services. Jim is an applied economist, economic developer, and site selection consultant, with more than 30 years of experience. He has worked with corporate, nonprofit, units of government, economic development and workforce development organizations in problem-solving, strategy, and policy decision making from the local to the national levels. His expertise includes industry studies, occupational analysis, economic impact analysis and modeling, economic and workforce development research and analysis, and site selection assistance. Prior experience includes positions in directing regional research initiatives, economic development, and site selection at both nonprofit and for-profit entities.  Jim earned his PhD in Urban Studies, with an emphasis in Economic Development, and his master’s degree in Public Administration from Cleveland State University’s Levin College of Urban Affairs.   

we provide quality analytics

Our Primary Services

Regional Analytic Analysis
Identify the strengths, assets, needs and challenges of a specified community: the skills, talents and abilities of individuals as well as the resources that local institutions contribute to the community.
Strategic Analysis & Industry Studies
Research and identify strategic options, selecting the most promising and deciding how resources will be allocated across the organization to achieve objectives.
Economic Impact Analysis
Evaluate the impacts of a project, program or policy on the economy of a specified region to illustrate impacts on jobs, income, operating costs, productivity, and competitiveness – and their distribution among industries, occupations, regions, and their impact over time.
Economic Development
Develop data that support economic development activities and decision making needed to direct build capacity for self-sustaining, long-term economic growth.
Regional Economic Trends
Regional economic analysis to access the dynamics of our communities and regions, and a suite of forecasting models to provide data, trends, and forecasts.
A suite of products to deliver solutions in a dynamic environment: impact analyses, industry studies, briefings, presentations, data books, site selection services, comparative analytics, survey capacity, story maps, and more.

Robey Analytics Delivers Solutions